Offer clients financing based on their actual asset usage, instead of fixed monthly payments. Lendscape, the next-generation asset finance platform, and Findustrial, the leader in pay-per-use business models, have joined forces to deliver a truly flexible, data-driven financing solution that adapts to your clients' needs and unlocks additional revenue opportunities.
Rates are automatically adjusted based on actual usage.
If utilization is lower, the leasing rate is reduced to a contracted minimum. If utilization increases, the rate increases up to a defined maximum.
Our modern, intuitive contract management platform integrates seamlessly with other systems and delivers powerful back-office automation to handle calculations and admin tasks - streamlining the entire pay-per-use financing process.
Our pioneering pay-per-use solution doesn’t just offer access to cutting-edge technology; you’ll also have the support of an experienced team dedicated to helping you implement the right pricing model for your business.
Unlock the power of pay-per-use financing today.